Saturday, October 29, 2011

Speak Asia Online : Positive and Original News in Chautha Sansar News Paper..

Thursday, October 27, 2011

HT Published True Story About Speakasia......27/10/2011

Hindustan Times has published the real story of Speakasia regarding the RBI RTI matter. This is true journalism. HT has acted truthfully and not like TOI, whos reporter only publish fake stories for their TRP and hungry stomach.


Open Letter No. 2 to Hon. Justice Shri Mateen Hafeez...

Hon. Justice Sahib,

Pranam Nyayaadeesh mahoday Sahibji. Here is wishing you and your family a very happy and prosperous happy Deepawali. I hope and pray that you are blessed with all the blessings of Goddess Laxmi mataji and you and your entire family gets the entire prosperity equivalent to the millions of diyas lit today across the country.

Judge Sahibji I understand that it takes time to get off the high pedestal one puts himself on, even if it is imaginary like in your case. I am sure, you have almost assumed yourself, to be the investigator, prosecutor and judge and I have abundantly made myself clear in my earlier open letter, why I think so.

Hafeezji, Once again in your report of October 26th you mischievously captioned your report “Fraud Firm Investors vent ire on cops” your caption itself is erroneous on three counts as follows:

1. First and foremost only a person of low gravitas like you can keep calling Speakasia Online Pte. Ltd Fraud without any basis and any matter.

2. There are NO INVESTORS in the entire model. I know you know what the truth is; it is another thing that you are not paid to acknowledge this.

3. Hafeezji, you are not supposed to call your masters ‘cops’. The word Cops is slang. Anyway, I am not surprised, as by now I am well aware of your level of integrity, intelligence and knowledge.

What is most amusing is that in your entire report you have not even once reported any incident explaining your caption. You have failed to bring to anybody’s notice any incident of any investor [sic] venting any ire on cops. Sorry Hafeezji, I expect too much from reporters especially from you, my sincere apologies I forget you suffer from short term memory loss.

Mr. Hafeezji, without wasting my time trying to find any sense in your motivated and malicious report, try using logic to explain to an illogical mind like yours. I hereby publicly invite you to engage me in a public debate before a panel of eminent journalists and senior retired High Court Judges. I promise you, I will issue a public apology, and will shave off my moustache, if I am proved wrong. If you are proved wrong Judge Sahib, you simply publish the result of the outcome; we don’t even expect an apology from you.

Before I end my letter to you Hafeezji, let me clear a few things, which you have tried to write between the lines in your report, under protest here as follows:

I, on behalf of the entire 20 lakh panelists of Speakasia online Pte Ltd., do hereby place on record that none of us wish you not to report on the SAOL matter; all we wish is that you report the factual position.

Sarva Shri Hafeezji, How do you say that some Panelists are still duping unsuspecting investors, when no fresh and new joining are possible, when the website in your own words is defunct?

Hafeezji, I am really finding it difficult to affix the ji to your name but my culture, upbringing and experience forces me to address you respectfully and I will continue doing so.

For your kind Information, and I draw your attention to para 4, where you unknowingly mention that the police has so far arrested 8 persons, and you go on to add that almost all of these 8 persons are the employees of the company. Mr. Hafeezji, you are once again absolutely wrong and as far away from the truth as the horizon is from the sky, let me bring to your attention that save and except Mr. Tarak Bajpai, our most revered and inspirational COO (note: I have for the first time not affixed ji to his name as I am using ji today to people of low gravitas) none of the other persons arrested in the matter are direct employees of SAOL.

Hafeezji, at times, I feel you are dynamic at least in some matters you keep growing, like you were saying earlier that this fraud [sic] was 8000 crores, then in your last report you reported the fraud to approx 14000 crores. In your article of 9th August you reported 100 complaints have been received by the EOW, in the present report you are reporting 200 complaints. It seems, you are getting remuneration equivalent to the number of cases and the volume of fraud. Suddenly, I feel sorry for you, as in the end analysis, you will see that there are only a handful of cases and worst of all, that this IS NOT A FRAUD. There go all your imaginary facts and figures. Sorry Hafeez bhai extremely sorry for spoiling your party.

Judge Sahibji, you address “these so called spokesperson” have earned a lot of money. Sirji I am Ashok Bahirwani, Secretary AISPA, and official spokesperson, you will be surprised to know that I, have not earned a single penny from Speakasia. If this entire matter is a fraud like you try to bring out to be, then judge sahib I am the victim, someone who needs to be protected and not a candidate for arrest.

I am fighting for my money, and for the monies of the entire speakasian family.

Let me also bring to your kind attention that on August 19th, after the Associations Press Conference, we have submitted a memorandum addressed to the respectful EOW officials explaining our stand and opinion.

Hafeezji, people who take up issues, and fight for the rights of a huge majority, do not fear the outcome.

I am sure you have heard the famous saying “Sarfaroshi ki tammana, ab humare dil me hain. Dekhna hai zor kitna baazuyein kaatil me hain”

Sirji, finally I want to draw your attention to the fact that the company SAOL is before the Supreme Court and on record stating their intention of paying ALL THE PANELIST their entire dues, sorry Hon. Hafeezji you are justice above the Supreme Court. YOU ARE MR. KNOW ALL.

Mateen, mere bhai, allow me to quote from the ‘Rig Veda’

“One should perform, for the benefit of mankind, with an unbiased approach… because bias gives birth to evil, which creates thousands of obstacles in our path”

Hafeezji, are you not surprised that this family of over 20 lakh Speakasians have implicit faith in the company. This family has not received any money, from the company, for over 5 months now, and are still supporting the company.

The company is on record before the Supreme Court, to pay ALL its panelists. Why are you in the way?

Proud to be Speakasian….. actually very proud

Warm Regards,
Ashok Bahirwani

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Speakasia had responded very hard on false media report ......

Please find attached the actions initiated against a leading media house for having falsely reported certain news items about our company and its COO, we urge all of you to kindly not pay attention to such false and misleading reports.


SpeakAsia corporate Marketing team..

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Speak Asia EOW in bombay high court at 9th nov......

 Speak asia online pte limited has got his chance to show there self innocent against highcourt .

Speak Asia had challenged eow in bombay high court for queshing FIR is now listed in bomay high court .

At 15 october speakasia had filed a

writ petition criminal 3211 2011, WP-For Quashing - F.I.R..

The hearing on this case will now be on  09/11/2011. 

Now what does it mean to speakasia is it just a next date as we are hearing for so long could this be the positive .

No as we all know the hearing of case in high court only appears for hearing if a respondent file a reply to the court .In this case EOW had just filed there reply to highcourt .

What does it mean to speakasia if eow had submitted there reply .First that they have done there foolish work so called investigation and they are ready to file a chargesheet .And to combat the chargesheet and eow don't get any chance of getting any delay speakasia had done a smart move to just quesh the FIR filed by eow .

So what does it mean eow had left no other choice to give speakasia cleanchit .Why eow will give us cleanchit they will directly not give us they wil fight but till there investigation they have not find anything which goes against speakasia .

So it means that site may be start after the hearing at 9 th nov .And speakasia can use this as a weapon to shut the mouth of RBI, MCA, IT,SFIO. And hence the business will start after then .

And do not forgett the supreme court supreme court is also in favour of panelist  in short the month of november will be a month for speakasia and we will win from every front .

Jai speakasia 

Monday, October 24, 2011

Open Letter to Mr. Mateen Hafeez by Ashok Bahirwani 24-Oct-2011

speak asia. Fake News By CNN IBN 24-Oct-2011

Open Letter to Mr. Mateen Hafeez by Ashok Bahirwani

Dear Mr. Hafeez

I address you on behalf of the entire Speakasian Family in the capacity of the Secretary of All India Speakasia Panelist Association.
I wish to draw your kind attention to my earlier letter regarding your report MBA grad lost Rs. 14cr to SpeakAsia appeared in the TOI dated 9th August, 2011. I think you may have been busy cooking up unbiased stories, especially against Speakasia, and for this precise reason you may have not replied to the above mentioned letter.

Mr. Hafeez where may I ask are the over 100 complaints that you had mentioned in the said article and where is your imaginary MBA grad Mr. Sharad Yadav who had lost the whopping 14 crores. Come on Mr. Hafeez stop fooling around and get serious, you are playing around with careers of 20 lakh people.

I had drawn your kind attention to the fact that your said impugned report dated 9th August was an outcome of lazy Journalism and your report was a body of misinformation. I had ended my said letter as follows I hope to read more enlightened and researched news reports from you in the future.

Mr. Hafeez you have dashed my hopes and I now reach a conclusion that persons like you of low gravitas do not want to change. You epitomize the face of corrupt journalism. It is abundantly clear Sir, that you are motivated and absolutely biased against the company Speakasia online.

Allow me to explain my thought Process as under :

1. Is it your secret desire to be a JUDGE and it seems you have been forced to take up a career in Journalism. I think you secretly dream of being called Hon. Justice Mr. Hafeez. My advice to you is to stop dreaming such eventualities, as the basic prerequisite to becoming a Judge is to have basic intelligence and integrity and sorry to say you seem to be lacking on both counts.

Mr. Hafeez now that we have established that you are not qualified to become a Judge I urge you to stop passing Judgment like you have done in your report of 24th October, 2011 when you caption your mischievous article Fraud firm COO disappears while on bail.

Mr. Hafeez you seem eager to do everything else except do your basic duties of Journalism, You are an overzealous investigator, very cunning prosecutor, and a very sick judge.

2. You start by saying that Tarak Bajpai has disappeared and we don't know where he is said an officer. You are silent in saying officer from which agency, I am sure it cannot be an officer from the EOW as they will not make such wrong comments. I hope you have not been talking to the officer of your office canteen, as corrupt journalists like you are known to while away their time drinking cutting chai. I hope this officer is not once again a product of your hallucinating mind like the fictional MBA Grad Mr. Sharad Yadav (see para 3 above).

1. In para 4 of your impugned report you go on to say Company's defunct website as if to say that the company has closed down the website. Hon. Justice Hafeez sahib [sic]

Mr. Hafeez the website is not defunct by choice it is defunct because the admin rights are with EOW and the website will be fully operational as soon as EOW returns the website to the company.

2. It now seems that you are not only misinformed you are actually handicapped especially when it comes to figures. This was also evident from your earlier report of the 9th August referred above and now when you say that the matter could run into 14000 crores. Under no stretch of imagination this could result in those numbers. My niece in 5th standard can calculate that 20lakh X Rs. 11000/- does not become 14,000 Crores. I am now quite sure Judge Sahib that you are not only corrupt, you are also a lazy Journalist who can be easily motivated against anybody, and now it seems you use the outdated abacus for calculations, Sir buy a calculator.

3. Wow, you simply amuse me Hafeezji, kya kamal ka dimag paya hai aapne now where you got this news that the head office was in Mumbai and not in Singapore. Mr. Hafeez ji you seem to forget that initially you were reporting that this company has no office in India and there was no PE, then you in today's report say that more than 1000 Crores were siphoned off to Singapore then you suddenly come up with this piece of news that SAOL has its head office in Mumbai.

Come on judge sahib make up your mind.

4. Hafeezji, you end your misleading article by saying that Red Corner Notices have been issued against seven officials. May I ask you sir, who are the seven officials? Or once again these seven officials are the fictional characters in your now confirmed sick and hallucinating mind.

Mr. Hafeez please get your facts right. The bail condition was that all the concerned persons had to attend the EOW office every Monday and Thursday. While Mr. Tarakji was in the hospital the advocates filed for exemption from personal appearance on Medical grounds as Mr. Tarakji is recuperating and is advised complete bed rest. The advocates are filing regular applications for exemption of personal appearance. This, under no circumstances, tantamounts to jumping bail or absconding without trace. Mr. Hafeez sahib, please get your facts verified before reporting. Oh I am sorry I am asking you to work we know by now you report based on hallucinations.

I have again and again demonstrated above that you Mr. Hafeez have an over fertile, hallucinating and a sick mind. You have a tendency to cook up fictional characters and you seem to suffer from short term memory loss. You Mr. Hafeez are a person of very low gravitas. I on behalf of the entire 20 lakh Speakasian Panelists place my severest objection to your falsified news.

I sincerely hope that the company SAOL takes attention of your malicious campaign against the company and moves the appropriate legal forum as they may be advised.

I am keeping a copy of this letter which I will use to lodge my protest and complain against you in whatever forum I am advised by the counsel of the Association.

Warm Regards,
Ashok Bahirwani
All India SpeakAsia Panelist Association.

Update from Corporate Marketing Team

Dear SpeakAsians,

Today morning yet again we have been targeted with a malicious and motivated news item in website of one of the Newspapers in India.

This news item wrongly states that our India operation COO Mr. Tarak Bajpai has disappeared .  It further goes on to also state the police have seized two cars and other properties etc. of Mr. Tarak Bajpai which is completely false and unsubstantiated. 

While Mr. Tarak Bajpai has undergone a surgery, he and the rest of the team have been cooperating with the law enforcement agencies as well as all other authorities looking into the allegations leveled against the company by some uninformed and motivated section of people.

All necessary actions are being initiated to try and stop such kind of malicious and un-substantiated news items from being reported. 

We once again appeal to you not to pay any attention to such kind of reports as they are completely false and motivated.


Saturday, October 22, 2011

Update From Speakasia

in supreme court 21 october had asked cid AP why they register FIR on speakasia
The Supreme Court on Friday sought a reply from the Andhra Pradesh government as to why the FIR registered by its crime investigation department against Singapore-based marketing company Speak Asia Online should not be quashed.

A bench headed by Justice HL Dattu sought a reply from the state government after the online firm’s counsel informed the court that notice has been issued in a similar case by another bench.

The firm has challenged Andhra Pradesh High Court’s order that dismissed its plea seeking to quash the criminal proceedings initiated against it. The high court had also vacated the stay on the arrest of Speak Asia’s directors, representatives, officials and employees of the company.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Updates News - Speak Asia's victory and future of Network Marketing

Dear Viewers,
Everyone must have come to know about the relief which honorable Supreme Court of India has given to SAOL and its 20 Lakh panelist. This and the coming judgement in this high profile case is going to be a landmark in the history of Network Marketing in India. we thought of publishing an article on the potential and future of Network Marketing in our country.

Network Marketing is not some fad but a scientific, organized, proven way of doing business worldwide.

Some of the facts about Network Marketing :
# Started in 1941 in USA and has evolved into an industry world over.
# Network Marketing is well entrenched in over 80 countries.
Many NM companies exhibit rapid growth in Annual Turnover [20% to 300%].
# As per Indian Direct Selling Association (IDSA), at INR 4,120 crores (US$915 million) for FY09–10, the industry displayed a robust 24% growth over the previous year (2009)
# Major players in the market believe that India, with its large population and increasing per capita income, presents an attractive opportunity for companies to expand their footprint.
# more than INR409 crores (US$90 million) paid as taxes in year 2009-10.

Following are the new trends in the direct selling business :

Micro trends:
(a) Recruitment will increase rapidly since current demand is to increase the earning capacity;
(b) All member companies are launching new products this year;
(c) All companies are expanding going to have new distribution centres to reach their customers quickly and the focus would be rural India.

Macro trends: Legitimization, authenticity, range of products, prevention of fly by night operators, growing support from the Indian and global Industry at large and requisite attention from the Government and policy makers.

Qualifications of a successful Networker:

Although the Network Marketing does not require any specific qualification, successful Networkers are known to have exceptional:
Selling skills
Presentation skills
Motivation skills
Leadership skills
A basic understanding of finance

However, two key factors critical for success are:
Focus, commitment and hard work
Faith in the direct selling profession and the industry.

Friends ! after the honorable Supreme Court gives a go ahead in the SAOL case the business is going to blast. Now its the time to go back to your respective network teams and gear up for the business restart. We wish all Speak Asians very bright financial future.

Proud to be Speak Asian !

Updates News - 21/Oct/ 2011

Good News
Case in Supreme court against AP CID...!! Company now gearing to get relieve from apex Law body..


Daily Cause List

( For 21st, October, 2011 )



9.   SLP(Crl.)No.7509-7510/2011                         MR. B. SRIDHAR
      115,  0,  0 S.(1429)Vs. STATE OF A.P. THR. CID,
       1ST LISTING            HYDERABAD & ANR.
                              (WITH APPLN.(S) FOR EX-PARTE STAY
                               AND EXEMPTION FROM FILING C/C OF
                               THE IMPUGNED JUDGMENT AND
                               PERMISSION TO PLACE ADDL.
                               DOCUMENTS ON RECORD AND OFFICE

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Updates News - 20/Oct/ 2011

Good News Speakasians,

The wait for 8th November, 2011 gives me the feeling which is so close to the saying 

“The calm before the storm”

The storm that Speakasia is bound to create, once the business restarts, is going to make history, I have been all throughout saying “truth will prevail”.

Friends, fellow Speakasians, I have sent my laptop for servicing and preventive maintenance, I have started looking around for a portable projector, I am readying myself to hit the road with a vengeance, I want to be the first off the block to build my team after all my team size is zero and I want to match my presidents team for sure. Melwyn Crasto sahib here I come.

Before I go on, I wish to clarify some issues. I was flooded with innumerable phone calls all through the day today asking for the clarification on today’s Supreme Court hearing. Friends there was nothing to happen in Supreme Court today i.e. 20th October and therefore nothing to report, I only asked all the callers to please authenticate their information first on the company blog spot and then on if there is no confirmation on these two sites then all Speakasians should take heed of such information with due diligence.

Now something new is surfacing someone called me asking me to authenticate news that the payments will start from 28th October, 2011. To this I have to say that if this happens I will be the happiest but I do not think this is realistically possible.

All I have to most humbly submit, dear friend’s fellow Speakasians, there are forums and forums and web sites after web sites, all I am sure all are highly motivated Speakasians and very enthusiastic supporters of the company, but all of them may not be fully aware of the nitti grities of the legal process or the actual happenings. They are probably letting their HEART take over their BRAINs and in their quest to spread positivity amongst the family of Speakasians spread unsubstantiated news as the gospel truth.

“Koi gal nahi sirji, hum speakasian family nu pata si, kaise hum apne bhaiyo ki galtiyo ko bhi apni raha me dafnate hue badthe jayenge”.

No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, Speakasia in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory…. Sincere apologies to Mr. Franklin Delano Roosevelt. 

So let us all Speakasians have implicit trust in the company, let us garner all patience in support of our beloved company SAOL.

And friends have we forgotten the Babar Sher of Speakasia our beloved and inspirational leader sarv Shri Tarak Bajpai Sahibji.

Proud to be a Speakasian….. Actually very proud,

Latest News Updates 20/10/2011.....

Telephonic Conversation Between One Panelist (Mr. Abhidip) with Our Lawyer..

Mere (Mr. Abhidip) sath ajj Rajiv Ranjan Raj (lawyer Sup. Court) ka phone me bat hua hai. May ap sabse wo conversation share karna chata hu. Wo is prakar hai…..

Me: Sir ajj koi hearing hay SC me
Rajiv Ji : Koi hearing nahi hai 8 Nov ke pahele.
Me : Koi meeting hai RBI, EOW, SAOL , OR COMMITTEE KE under
Rajiv Ji : Mujhe pata nahi, comp. lawyer ko pata hoho sakta hai, agar hai vi to.
Me : Sir sunne me aya ki RBI, EWO virodh kar rahe hai committee banane ki
Rajiv Ji : Unlogo ke taraf se koi objection letter abhi taq nahi aya.
Me : Sir 2 hafte ke bad kya hoga?
Rajiv Ji : 2 hafte me committee banegi or uske bad committee sab ka claim ka jach karega or payment release karega.
Me : Eow agar surver de dete hai to claim ke jach karne me to jada time lagna nahi chahia.
Rajiv Ji : Eow surver lauta ne ke lia bound hai. Yaha agar ki koi jaga nahi hai. Usko kam se kam committee ko access dena hi parega. Or comp ka official vi is committee me hai to surver ki technical side me wo help karega. Kul milake 2 hafte bad payment kabhi vi aa sakta hai.
Me : Ap ko kya lagta hai, comp srif payment karegi yea age business ka vi permission milegi.
Rajiv Ji : Comp payment karna chata hai, company ka neat saaf hai. Or comp. age kaam vi karega. Is ke lia itna tam-jham ho raha hai. Jis din pahela admi ka payment release hoga us din se business re-start ka vi kaam suru ho jayega. Bilkul chinta mat karo .
Sup.court ka nazaria bohot positive hai. Nahi to Sup.court me itna jaldi jaldi kisi ka date nahi milta. Bohot case pending hai.
Me : Sir yea to up logo ke mehenat ka nati ja hai. Hum sare speakasians ka dua up logo ke sath hai. We salute you by heart.
Rajiv Ji : ha ha ha ha. Ap logo ka dua or unity ke bia hum yea case jeet hi nahi payenge.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Latest Video Updates.....

Hon. Supreme Court On Speak Asia Matter : Oct. 17, 2011 : Video by Aman Azad

committee of payment :
Head: Mr. R.C. lahoti=
1 I.T. representative
1 I.T. representative
1 RBI representative
1 SAOL Co. official
1 ROC representative
1 Panelist
1 EOW representative

Latest News Updates 19/10/2011.....

Payments are on the way it is expected to come in 3 weeks ....

As we all know that we have finally hear a one very positive news .And it had came from the house of supreme court this is indeed a victory in that hearing of 17 october. Honorable Supreme Court had taken an initiative and had passed the order to give relief to the panelist through payout release .To ensure that the payment must go to panelist the Honorable Court had form a committee headed by former chief justice of India .

So now we will discuss all facts an assume at when the payment will come to our account to know exact calculation of dates we must analyse what can happen in 3 weeks .

The committee headed by former chief justice of india was given a task to release the payments to the panelsit as soon as possible .The question arises will rbi eow and cid and it departments will listen to him as quick as they can.The answer is very simple .The committee which has been formed is very powerful in itself it has all the constitutional right to take action to ensure the right judgement .So there is a great power involved in it so no matter what happen it is for sure that payment will come soon.

It may take time to release payments may be 2 weeks minimum and 3 weeks maximum .But according to my view the first payment could come very soon. may be 24 october will be the day at when we can see the payments .For payments speakasia will have to take permissions from rbi and cid and eow and they will give permissions to committee may be in a weak . If they will not do immediately then they will have to face the hard words in court .So the final conclusion is that the supreme court factor will work here and may be RBI could submit there reply as quickly as they can.And the time which was given to eow is expiring at 27 october .So eow can't raise any single question against speakasia .So the final conclusion is that payment may come after 24 october anytime .With the immidiate effect the committee will take decision soon .So we have won half the battle once the payment will release there is not getting back a bright future for speakasia is waiting .

So speakasian its a party time and this diwali the candle hope in every speakasian will flame as bright as it had never been done before .


a good news is that Hon'ble Justice Lahoti has submitted his NOC today...!! so...Formation and plans of working of Commitee has started with the hard steps taken by Hon'ble Supreme Court of India.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Latest News

Let me clear you guys On 20th October, there is a meeting regarding payment of panelists in which Mr. lahoti is the head of the meeting along with the company representative and On 8th november there will be hearing on report which EOW MCA has to submit within 2 weeks as ordered by SC if they will not submit or no reply from the authorities will be filled on 8th november all the obligations will be rejected and the case will be closed due to irresponsible behaviour of the authorities
Thanks and Regards.