What next.
Payments are on the way it is expected to come in 3 weeks ....
As we all know that we have finally hear a one very positive news .And it had came from the house of supreme court this is indeed a victory in that hearing of 17 October. Honorable Supreme Court had taken an initiative and had passed the order to give relief to the panelist through payout release .To ensure that the payment must go to panelist the Honorable Court had form a committee headed by former chief justice of India .
So now we will discuss all facts an assume at when the payment will come to our account to know
exact calculation of dates we must analyse what can happen in 3 weeks .
Hon'ble Justice Lahoti
The committee headed by former chief justice of india was given a task to release the payments to
the panelsit as soon as possible .The question arises will rbi eow and cid and it departments will
listen to him as quick as they can.The answer is very simple .The committee which has been formed
is very powerful in itself it has all the constitutional right to take action to ensure the right
judgement .So there is a great power involved in it so no matter what happen it is for sure that
payment will come soon.
It may take time to release payments may be 2 weeks minimum and 3 weeks maximum .But
according to my view the first payment could come very soon. may be 24 october will be the day at
when we can see the payments .For payments speakasia will have to take permissions from rbi and
cid and eow and they will give permissions to committee may be in a weak . If they will not do
immediately then they will have to face the hard words in court .So the final conclusion is that the
supreme court factor will work here and may be RBI could submit there reply as quickly as they
can. And the time which was given to eow is expiring at 27 october .So eow can't raise any single
question against speakasia .So the final conclusion is that payment may come after 24 october
anytime .With the immidiate effect the committee will take decision soon .So we have won half the
battle once the payment will release there is not getting back a bright future for speakasia is waiting .
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